Route Servers operational on IPv4

MBIX now has its two route servers up and running on IPv4. We are still tweaking (as usual), but the route servers are operational. The service address for RS1 is, and RS2 is They are implemented as BIRD running on Ubuntu, the hardware being used IBM 1U rackservers. We have two for redundancy, and also to allow orderly maintenance. Members peer with both route servers, allowing us to gracefully shut down one route server, while all routes are still announced by the other server, so MBIX stays 100% up.

Any savvy reader might be wondering about IPv6. Not to worry, we are testing that configuration now. MBIX intends to be fully dual-stack, (IPv4 and IPv6 simultaneously) but IPv4 was turned on first.

1 comment to Route Servers operational on IPv4

  • Yes, I was wondering about IPv6, but you have just addresses that question.
    Further, I want to say that I appreciate the clarity of information which is given in the updates and “human aspect” of the announcements, meaning that the announcements do NOT sound like they were “computer generated.” Thanks.

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